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HRH New Student Registration Form

New Student Registration Form


This form must be completed by the parent, legal guardian, or the student (if living independently) 

(Typed name acts as a digital signature of consent)


The information requested on this form is being collected pursuant to the Education Act (Student Record Regulation), the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act, and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Section 23. Information acquired through this form is kept secure and access is restricted. If you have any questions regarding the collection or use of this information, please contact your school Principal or the FOIP Coordinator, Living Waters Catholic Separate School Division,  Box 1949 Whitecourt, AB T7S 1P6 or phone 780-778-5666. 

For all other inquiries, Please contact your school


Documentation will be required to complete your registration. Your registration process will be fast and efficient if you already have the necessary documents scanned or photographed.


Please indicate the School Year you wish to enroll your student: *
Answer Required
Please indicate the grade you wish to enroll your student:*
Answer Required
Please select the preferred program:*
Answer Required
A copy of the student's Birth Certificate or Visa/Immigration documentation is required for all students new to Living Waters Catholic School Division. If you are a new student, please upload your birth certificate. You do not need to upload your student's Birth Certificate if you are a returning student and the school already has a copy.
Answer Required
or drag it here.
Lives With (collected to enable schools to direct communications to an appropriate address):*
Answer Required


A copy of the student's Birth Certificate, Passport, or Visa/Immigration Documentation is required.

Citizenship/Immigration Status: Is your student a Canadian Citizen:*
Answer Required
If your student is not a Canadian Citizen, Please select the information that applies to your student.
Answer Required

Custody or Guardianship rights:

Guardians of the student must be identified to ensure the rights of each party are respected. A child may be designated as “Protected” if a court has issued an order under the Child Welfare Act, the Domestic Relations Act, the Divorce Act, the Protection Against Family Violence Act, or the Young Offenders Act, or is the subject of a custody or access order including but not limited to parenting order under the Child, Youth, and Family Enhancement Act that is a predecessor to or a substitute for any of the said Acts. If your child is subject to any such order or agreement, please indicate below and discuss this situation with the school administration. If an order exists affecting guardianship rights or custody or access rights, a copy of the order or agreement will be required for the student’s record.

Does a Custody or Guardianship Order or Agreement exist:*
Answer Required
Please upload documentation or any orders (please select all that apply):
Answer Required

Parent/Guardian Information: (Consult the Family Law Act for Guardianship Information)

It is important to fill out information for each parent or guardian, whether or not they are living together. Information is collected to ensure communications are directed to the appropriate address. All communications regarding the student will be directed to the first parent / guardian listed, unless noted above. Email is used only for non-confidential information.

#1 Parent or Guardian. Please select: *
Answer Required
#2 Parent or Guardian:
Answer Required


Must be someone other than the student's parent/guardian. This person will only be contacted in the case of an emergency. 


You are under no obligation to provide this information.

For the benefit of your student, please identify any medical diagnosis, treatments, or personal concerns of which your student's Teacher and School Administration should be aware.
Answer Required


Has your student ever received a specialized education program (IPP - Individual Program or IEP - Individual Education Plan). *
Answer Required


Is Your Student or the Parent/Guardian Catholic?
Note: All of the schools in this district are Catholic Separate Schools, the essential purpose of which is to fully permeate Catholic theology, philosophy, practices and beliefs, the principals of the Gospel and teachings of the Catholic Church, in all aspects of school life, including the curriculum of every subject taught, both in and outside of formal religion classes. Every course of study and educational program, all instruction and exercises will include subject matter that deals with religion. Students are expected to participate in all religious education activities. Please select all that apply.
Answer Required


According to the Education Act and Section 23 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, a parent who is a Canadian Citizen has the right to have all his/her children receive primary and secondary instruction in French if:

1. Either parent’s first language learned and still understood is French (mother or father’s native tongue is French) or, 

2. Either parent received their primary school instruction in Canada at a Francophone school (K-12), or,

3. Any child in the same family has received or is receiving primary or secondary school instruction at a Francophone school in Canada.

4. This does not include French Immersion (programming offered by Living Waters Catholic Schools). 

Note: Francophone eligibility rights are not multi-generational, and refer only to the native tongue of the parent(s).

Do you claim entitlement to a Francophone education under the terms of the Education Act?*
Answer Required
If Yes, do you wish to exercise these rights?
Answer Required

ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE (English Language Learner) 

A student may be eligible for ELL support when the primary language spoken at home is a language other than English.

Is your student's primary language English:*
Answer Required


For further information, please refer to: www.education.alberta.ca/system-supports/results-reporting or contact Alberta Education at 780-427-8501.

If you have questions regarding the collection of student information by the school board, please contact Mr. Trevor Mitchell, Living Waters Deputy Superintendent at 780-778-5666.

Please complete the form below. Required fields marked with an asterisk *
Confirmation Email